Pelti polskia laulaa - Finnish Polska on the Blues Harp
Pelti polskia laulaa - Finnish Polska on the Blues Harp

Pelti polskia laulaa - Finnish Polska on the Blues Harp

$ 30.56
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This is a demonstration product.
Finnish Polska on the Blues Harp (KIJ 64, 2009)
Jouko Kyhälä & Jimmy Träskelin

In this book two enthusiastic musician-researchers reveal the secrets of the blues harp. The history of the harmonica as well as its construction and playing techniques for different styles are descpribed via nearly 40 tunes which range from the beginners one note playing pieces to very advanced overbending pieces. All the tunes can be heard on the accompanying CD.

The publication is bilingual, the Finnish and the English texts going side by side throughout the book.

114 pages + CD
0.5 kg